Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Corydoras Napoensis spawn (Cory spawn 3)

Corydoras Napoensis                                                                               Spawn date: 26/06/2014
 Number of males: 2
Size: 1.5"
Age: Unknown (purchased June 2013)
Source: Maidenhead Aquatics. Unknown if wild or captive bred.
Number of females: 1
Size: 1.5"
Age: Unknown (purchased June 2013)
Source: Same as males. 

Tank Size: 2ft x 2ft, 160ltrs
Water Parameters: Ph 7.2; Temperature 27.3c/ 82.4f Note: This is higher than I'd usually keep this species. Temperature was high due to some untypical hot British weather!
Tank furnishings: Natural planted tank with wood, rocks, plants and floating plants. 
Diet: Twice daily feeds. Am Dr Bassleer Biofish Food "forte" (54% protein); PM Frozen Bloodwork/ Daphnia. 

Spawning details: Did not witness much of the spawn, just the female clutching eggs. All eggs were placed to a plant, Sagittaria Subulata. The eggs were approximately 1mm in size. I recovered 12 eggs, however there is a possibility there was more due to the Napo's sharing a tank with other Corys and Rosy Tetras (Hyphessobrycon Rosaceus). The eggs were removed to a small pot, with an airstone and a small amount of anti-fungus. The spawn produced no fry. I believe the spawn trigger was a change in the weather, going from being sunny (28c or so) to cloudy and very humid/ muggy with rain showers. 
Eggs. This cluster has 4 eggs in:

Corydoras Napoensis are among my favourite Corys. I soon plan to set up a small tank specifically for them with leaf litter and some floating plants to hopefully encourage a spawn with viable eggs. 

Corydoras Sterbai spawn. (Cory Spawn 2)

Corydoras Sterbai                                                                                           Spawn Date: 18/04/2014
 Male size: 1.5"
Number of males: 4
Age: Unknown (purchased 2013)
Source: Captive bred
Female size: 2.5"
Number of females: 2
Age: Unknown (purchased Jan 2014)
Source (Unknown)

Tank Size:  85cm, 125l
Water Parameters: Ph 6.6, Temperature 26c.
Tank Furnishings: Planted with lots of bogwood, Lavarock and mosses. Filtered by a Fluval U3 internal filter.
Diet: Twice daily feeds, AM Dr Bassleer Biofish food "Forte" (54% protein), PM Frozen Bloodworm or Daphnia. 
Spawning Details: Spawn began immediately after a 20l water change, dropping the temperature to 24c. There was eggs attached to plants, moss and glass. However once the eggs hatched the fry were all C.Aeneus which I didn't notice spawning at the same time. Whilst watching I only witnessed the Sterbai attaching their eggs to plants and moss. There couldn't of been many C.Sterbai eggs. 

Female searching for somewhere to place eggs, with two males in hot pursuit: 
You can see this female clutching a single egg between her ventral fins:

Friday, 4 July 2014

Corydoras Aeneus Spawn (Cory spawn 1)

Corydoras Aeneus (Bronze Cory)                                                                    Spawn date: 12/10/2013
Male size: 2"
Number of males: 4
Age: Unknown (purchased 2013)
Source: Captive bred
Female size:2.5"
Number of females: 2
Age: Unknown (Purchased 2013)
Source: Captive bred

Tank size: 2ft, 60l
Water parameters: PH 7.4 Temperature 25C
Tank furniture: Fluval U2 filter and air driven sponge filter. Plenty of boxwood and plants.
Diet: Twice daily feeds of King British catfish pellets (50% protein), Frozen daphnia and bloodworm and occasional live foods. 
Spawning details: No specific trigger. Diet was increased to twice daily feeds two weeks before spawn. All eggs were layer on the glass in the flow of the sponge filter. 

Number: 150
Size: 2-3mm
Fertile: 95%
Hatch: 95%
Time: 72-84 hours

Fry diet was initially Hikari First bites, Cyclops and then daphnia as they grew. 

Video of female placing eggs available at:

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Complete list of species kept.

C.Aeneus (and albino varient)        S&F
C.Sterbai       S
C.Napoensis        S

Ancistrus Sp         S&F
Hypancistrus Sp L411

Farlowella Vittata
Sturisoma Aureum


Otocinclus Sp

Hara Jerdoni (Asia, Bangladesh)

A.Nijsseni       S


Hyphessobrycon Rosaceus      S     (Rosy Tetra)
Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi      S     (Black Widow Tetra)
Paracheirodon Innesi                         (Neon Tetra)

***Species written in bold are species currently kept. Species written in italics are not native to South America. "S"=Spawned, "F"=Fry. This list will be updated when new species are added. Spawning logs will be added to blog if they are available***